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Happy Caturday


Happy Caturday!

Celebrating the Feline Festivity

A History of Caturday

As the Urban Dictionary so aptly put it, Caturday is "the greatest holiday on the internets." While its origins are somewhat shrouded in mystery, it is believed to have originated on the imageboard website 4chan in 2008.

On Saturdays, users began posting "LOLcats" - images of cats with humorous captions - to the website. The tradition quickly spread throughout the internet, and Caturday became an established holiday for cat lovers worldwide.

Caturday Today

Today, Caturday is a global phenomenon. People all over the world celebrate by sharing pictures and memes of cats on social media, blogs, and websites. Whether you're a hardcore cat enthusiast or just appreciate a good LOLcat, there's no denying the joy that Caturday brings.

So if you're looking for a reason to smile today, take a break and check out some Caturday content. You won't be disappointed!

